Under the sun, VOl. One

New Album by George Jano Now Available!


The second album by George Jano, Under The Sun, comes to you from the path of most resistance. The path so many have come to know, by no fault of our own, but in these times, a path most traveled. 

Something new, and not so blue. The start of a story, not it’s end.   Under The Sun, Volume One is an action-packed first act that spares the exposition, and gets right to the groove, on a rescue mission to make you move.  

   Painful and playful. With nothing to prove, and no words  unspoken, George Jano comes out swinging, upbeat from the jump-start of a broken heart that once again sings, and brings you to your feet.

 Volume One is just the start, and the part that’s fun. It sends a message that is clear, free from its bottle and without any fear. So be here, and be now, where it’s warm and bright, Under The Sun - George Jano delivers a heart and a handful of songs that feel good in the light.


Wewriteaboutmusic Podcast Interview with george and a full feature review of Under The Sun, Vol 1

Full Feature Article

Austin Sher Reviews Under The Sun and Good For You

You’re going to experience a nice mix of folksiness, but so much of what we enjoyed about George’s mix is his transitions between songs. The way that he’s able to accurately tell a story with his imagery-filled lyricism is super impressive.

” -Austin Sher, WeWriteAboutMusic

Cover Designed by Olivia Serio - Photography by Ken Kingsborough

Get Some Sun

Into The Light



with nowhere to run